Cashier Hub

Our Products

Payment Solution

Cashier Hub provides payment solutions such as payment gateways, merchant accounts, and e-wallets, for online businesses to process financial transactions securely and efficiently. Payment providers must comply with industry standards and regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), to ensure the safety of financial transactions. Overall, payment solutions play a crucial role in the success of online commerce, offering additional features and services to enhance the customer experience.


We provide a reliable payout process by securely transferring funds from the business account to the customer account, ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining the business’s reputation. It is essential to build trust and loyalty with customers by ensuring timely and accurate withdrawals. Additionally, flexible payout options can help to attract and retain customers, accommodating their preferred payment methods or currency.

Platform Integration

Cashier Hub offers a fully integrated online cashier platform with customizable payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. Their team provides personalized support throughout the integration process and beyond, ensuring that any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently to minimize downtime.

Front End Cashier Solution

We provide a simple and user-friendly front-end cashier solution that offers a range of payment options including credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. Clients can choose their preferred payment methods and set up their own processing rules. The platform includes advanced security features such as SSL encryption and PCI-DSS compliance to protect sensitive data.

Client and Merchant Management

Cashier Hub provides clients with tools to manage their payment processes, including the ability to track and manage transactions, set up payment processing rules, and generate reports. Clients can also manage their payment merchants using the platform, which includes performance metrics, payment schedules, and direct communication.